3dverkstan 2.0

In a significant move that promises to reshape the future of 3D printing in the Nordic region, 3DVerkstan has found a new home under the ownership of the UK-based Solid Print 3D. While the acquisition marks a new chapter, the essence of 3DVerkstan remains unchanged, ensuring continuity for its loyal clientele.

On the 17th of May, after a few weeks of bidding, the deal was sealed, bringing 3DVerkstan under the umbrella of Solid Print 3D. Known for its robust offerings in 3D printers, consumables, 3D scanners, software, and service contracts, Solid Print 3D has a strong presence in the UK and Ireland. The company is a subsidiary of Solid Solutions, one of the world's largest resellers of the SolidWorks software, boasting around 20,000 customers. Further up the chain, Solid Solutions is a part of the American conglomerate, TriMech Group, which also operates in the additive manufacturing sector.

The acquisition is not just a business transaction but a union of two entities with shared visions and values. Both companies have been retailing products from renowned brands like Formlabs and Ultimaker. Neil Sewell, CEO of Solid Print 3D, expressed his enthusiasm about the merger, highlighting the "obvious synergies" between the two companies. From their exceptional teams, products, culture, to their remarkable leadership, Sewell believes that the combined strengths will yield positive outcomes in a short span.

Patrik Rosén, the CEO of 3DVerkstan, reflected on the whirlwind of events leading up to the acquisition. With the support of the law firm Lindskog Malmström, a solution was found that promises a brighter future for 3DVerkstan. Rosén is optimistic about the next phase, emphasizing the company's strengthened position in the Nordic market, backed by a robust and supportive owner.

While 3DVerkstan will operate as a new corporation named 3DVerkstan AB, its operations in Sweden and Denmark will remain consistent with its past. The key difference lies in the enhanced financial and business support from its new owner. All employees have been offered to continue their roles, and there's a keen ambition to forge collaborations to bolster the company's growth in the Nordic region.

Regarding their product portfolio, 3DVerkstan will continue retailing brands like Formlabs, Ultimaker, Meltio, and Shining 3D. They also plan to expand their range of 3D solutions for the Nordic market. Additionally, the company will persist in offering print, CAD services, and training.

After a brief pause in deliveries due to administrative challenges associated with the ownership transition, 3DVerkstan is set to resume its services, ensuring pending orders are dispatched promptly.

Carl Johan Friis, the bankruptcy administrator, expressed satisfaction with the outcome of the bidding process, emphasizing the continuation of a vibrant business and the retention of all staff members.


The acquisition of 3DVerkstan by Solid Print 3D is more than just a business deal. It's a merger of shared visions, values, and a commitment to excellence in the 3D printing domain. With the combined strengths of both entities, the future looks promising for 3D printing enthusiasts and businesses in the Nordic region.


Den 17. maj, efter et par ugers budrunde, blev handlen forseglet, og 3DVerkstan kom ind under Solid Print 3D's paraply. Solid Print 3D er kendt for sine robuste tilbud inden for 3D-printere, forbrugsstoffer, 3D-scannere, software og servicekontrakter og har en stærk tilstedeværelse i Storbritannien og Irland. Virksomheden er et datterselskab af Solid Solutions, en af verdens største forhandlere af SolidWorks-softwaren med omkring 20.000 kunder. Længere oppe i kæden er Solid Solutions en del af det amerikanske konglomerat TriMech Group, som også opererer inden for additiv fremstilling.

Opkøbet er ikke bare en forretningstransaktion, men en forening af to enheder med fælles visioner og værdier. Begge virksomheder har forhandlet produkter fra kendte mærker som Formlabs og Ultimaker. Neil Sewell, CEO for Solid Print 3D, udtrykte sin begejstring over fusionen og fremhævede de "åbenlyse synergier" mellem de to virksomheder. Fra deres enestående teams, produkter, kultur til deres bemærkelsesværdige lederskab mener Sewell, at de kombinerede styrker vil give positive resultater i løbet af kort tid.

Patrik Rosén, CEO for 3DVerkstan, reflekterede over den hvirvelvind af begivenheder, der førte til opkøbet. Med støtte fra advokatfirmaet Lindskog Malmström blev der fundet en løsning, som lover en lysere fremtid for 3DVerkstan. Rosén er optimistisk med hensyn til den næste fase og fremhæver virksomhedens styrkede position på det nordiske marked med en robust og støttende ejer i ryggen.

Mens 3DVerkstan vil fungere som et nyt selskab ved navn 3DVerkstan AB, vil dets aktiviteter i Sverige og Danmark forblive i overensstemmelse med dets fortid. Den største forskel ligger i den forbedrede økonomiske og forretningsmæssige støtte fra den nye ejer. Alle medarbejdere er blevet tilbudt at fortsætte i deres stillinger, og der er en stor ambition om at skabe samarbejder for at styrke virksomhedens vækst i Norden.

Med hensyn til deres produktportefølje vil 3DVerkstan fortsætte med at forhandle mærker som Formlabs, Ultimaker, Meltio og Shining 3D. De planlægger også at udvide deres sortiment af 3D-løsninger til det nordiske marked. Derudover vil virksomheden fortsætte med at tilbyde print, CAD-tjenester og uddannelse.

Efter en kort pause i leverancerne på grund af administrative udfordringer i forbindelse med ejerskiftet, er 3DVerkstan klar til at genoptage sine tjenester og sikre, at ventende ordrer bliver afsendt hurtigt.

Carl Johan Friis, konkursforvalteren, udtrykte tilfredshed med resultatet af budprocessen og understregede, at der fortsat er tale om en levende virksomhed, og at alle medarbejdere er blevet fastholdt.

Solid Print 3D's overtagelse af 3DVerkstan er mere end bare en forretningsaftale. Det er en fusion af fælles visioner, værdier og en forpligtelse til ekspertise inden for 3D-printområdet. Med de to enheders kombinerede styrker ser fremtiden lovende ud for 3D-printentusiaster og virksomheder i Norden.